White Paper: Putting The User First

White Paper: Putting The User First By Team Arrk Thought Leadership < 1 min read Digital solutions should improve people’s lives. They should save time, save money and produce better outcomes for end users. To achieve this, it is critically important that customers are willing to use a digital service, and that they find it…

Microservices: An Introduction

Microservices: An Introduction By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read In the crowded world of software architecture, yet another new name has emerged in recent years: in the form of microservices. Microservices architecture is a new approach to developing a single application by using a combination of small services – each with its own…

How 3D printing will change the world

How 3D printing will change the world By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 5 mins read 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, “has the potential to change everything.” That was the sweeping statement made by a former ship engineer in an interview with Forbes back in 2012. Three years on, if you’re not buying into…

Feature Driven Development: A Guide

Feature Driven Development: A Guide By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read If you want fast functionality from your software, then feature driven development (FDD) could be the key. Feature driven development revolves around quick development cycles and provides businesses with feature-rich systems because they are constantly developing. What is the history of feature…

Team Dynamics in Agile: An Exploration

Team Dynamics in Agile: An Exploration By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 7 mins read Team Dynamics is a hugely important part of putting together and managing high performing software engineering teams. It can sometimes be de-prioritised however and in some extreme instances, completely forgotten under the pressures of working with stringent timelines and deliverables. It…

Innovation Games: An Online Guide

Innovation Games: An Online Guide By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 5 mins read The importance of marketing to the success of a business should never be underestimated. Marketers have a unique position in that they are talking directly to consumers and gaining insights that help create discussion and trail-blaze new solutions that can guide a…